Audio Response Teller

A.R.T. (Audio Response Teller)

You can access A.R.T. right over the telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When accessing the Audio Response Teller (A.R.T.), please follow these steps:

  1. Dial Toll Free: 866-362-0271 or Local: 240-362-0271
  2. Press 1 for A.R.T. (Audio Response Teller)
  3. Your Member Number is your six digit account number and your Initial Access Code/PIN is the last 4-digits of the primary account holder’s social security number.
  4. Follow instructions to select account summary, select more detail, select to transfer money between accounts, make payments or have a check sent from an account. You can also use the system to acquire general information, product information or to change your PIN.


Our auditors are doing a verification of credit union accounts. If the balances shown do not agree with your records, please notify our auditors at the following address: Fike, Conner, and Associates, P.A., P.O. Box 3153, La Vale, MD 21504